24 Apr How to reduce your exposure to man-made Electromagnetic Fields
As more consumers become concerned about the impact of wireless technologies on human health, a growing number of ‘pop up’ business’ appear to sell devices that claim to stop your exposure to electromagnetic fields. If it’s too good to be true, than it probably is! Most of the products available from plug-ins like geocleanse and blushield, to energy discs, salt lamps and crystals do not make any difference to AC electric, AC magnetic or radiofrequency fields when tested. When you talk to the manufacturers of these devices, they admit it does nothing to any field(!), however it works by ‘enhancing your body’s ability to deal with EMFs’ which of course cannot be tested or validated. This provides consumers with a false sense of security, continues to expose them to harmful EMFs, which means you have just donated your hard earned money to another unethical company. Believe me, over the past two decades, I have seen it all! However there’s alot you can do, to reduce your exposure, most of which is knowledge and the occasional shielding material.
- DISTANCE is your friend– its called the inverse square law and it essentially means as you double the distance away from the EMF source, you will reduce your exposure to it by 75%. Its the cheapest, simplest and most effective advice I can give. Keep appliances at least one metre away from areas where you spend time such as the bed, favourite couch, desk and so on.
- Shielding materials and paints should only be used as a last resort if you are unable to eliminate the source of the field. Be mindful that these products can only be used to reduce exposure to AC electric fields and radiofrequencies, not AC magnetic fields. If the shielding company is the same company that tests EMFs (like Geovital or Y-shield), run in the opposite direction! From our experience, you are much more likely to be conned in spending thousands of dollars shielding a room that may or maynot require it and would be far better off, getting an ACES certified Building Biologist to assess the home.
- Earthing mats may reduce your body voltage (AC electric field) but will do nothing to address the AC magnetic fields or radiofrequency fields (which are the ones known to cause health effects). In some situations, they will exacerbate the AC electric field and increase body voltage. This is why they are rarely recommended by Building Biologists.
- Crystals. Shungite is the only crystal that has electrical conductive properties due to its carbon and fullerene content, which coincidentally are the two common elements used in shielding materials. The Shungite crystal was first discovered in the Karelia region of Russia and has shielding capabilities from 10-30GHz, as well as attenuating 50Hz electric fields (Mosin and Ignatov, 2013). However, for it to be effective, it would need to be large enough (like shielding material) to create a physical barrier between you and the source (sorry folks, a crystal on your desk may look great, but will do bugger all!). In addition, the fullerene content in the crystal would need to be tested for each crystal as it is likely to vary depending on where it was mined. This makes it totally impractical and incredibly expensive given the surface area required, which is why Building Biologists don’t recommend it.
- Demand switches installed in the fuse box by a licensed electrician, will shut down the power to the circuits going to the bedroom. This is an effective way to stop exposure to all fields (AC electric and magnetic fields as well as radiofrequencies) whilst sleeping
- Avoid digital devices at least an hour before bed as the blue light inhibits melatonin which is important to induce sleep

Products that do not reduce your exposure to electromagnetic fields