Nicole’s 10 steps to a healthy home Could these conditions be linked to the homes in which we live? YES. If I was to sum up in ten steps how to create a healthy home, this would be it! 1. Take your shoes...
Get Your House Tested
A building biologist can assess your home or workplace for mould, air and water contaminants as well as electromagnetic fields, various chemicals, dust and geopathic stress.
Do it Yourself
Electromagnetic fields
Lead Test Kit
Mould Testing
Water Test...
Get Your House Tested / Do It Yourself Allergens / Electromagnetic fields / Lead Test Kits / Mould testing / Water Testing / Allergy Checklist ALLERGENS Most of the sources of allergens such as dust, dust mites and pollen can be found through general...
Get Your House Tested By A Professional If you think your house is making you sick, than you may benefit from a Building Biology audit by Nicole Bijlsma. She will identify the health hazards in the home such as: Allergens - mould, dust, house...
Release date: 2012, 2016, 2018 (4th edition due April 2025)
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Third edition out of print (15,000 copies sold).
Is your house making you sick?
In the past thirty years, new cancer diagnoses almost tripled, hospital admissions for life-threatening allergic reactions have increased four-fold, breast...